Ascot Vale House Painters vs. Great Colour Scheme
Because we are The Ascot Vale House Painters, we love to paint colour! Surprising eh? So finding a client with a great paint colour scheme, is a great reward for us.
Subtle paint colours and ascents, can make all the difference. Adding depth to rooms, and well needed interest. Whilst the blank canvas aproach to homes is great. Because it helps to show of your pieces and furniture. Sometimes the holistic painting approach shouldn’t be wasted. Because having the furniture and paint work all singing from the same song sheet, working together, can make a home, a home.

Wallpaper Installation – No Hanging About!
We even got to hang some wallpaper here too, and you know I love to hang wallpaper. As always the key to hanging wallpaper is preparation, preparation is the key to just about everything! Having a flat surface, priming (sizing), and doing the maths and working out where each and every drop is going to hang.

Paints Used:
- Haymes Expression Ceiling Flat – Builders White
- Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen – White Exchange Half
- Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen – Classic Calm
- Super Enamel Dulux Semi Gloss – Pale Tendril
- Super Enamel Dulux Semi Gloss – Highgate
- Intergrain DWD Satin Natural