Tag: qualified painter

  • Painting a Blank Canvas in Richmond?

    Painting a Blank Canvas in Richmond?

    Painting a Blank Canvas. Richmond House Painters

    There are two good reasons for painting  blank canvas for us at Sterling Painters, the Richmond House Painters.

    Number one, to allow something else to shine. You have great undiscovered/famous art pieces, fantastic must have furniture, or the most wonderful parquet floor interlaid with the finest Moroccan handmade tiles.

    Number two, to expand the illusion of space. To make small spaces look bigger, boring but functionally very important. Yawn!

    The Colour of Paint

    Blank Canvas Number One. Display.

    Now you’re thinking that you have to paint the blank canvas number one white, or some variant of white, right?

    Clean, unspoilt, blank walls of any colour will do. We are not talking feature wall here. Infact the importance is the lack of feature. Be brave and go for it.

    Blank Canvas Number Two. Space.

    Again this doesn’t mean it has to be painted white. Sometimes it actually helps if it isn’t white. Take the smallest room in the house. Yours is white, right? It looks small, right? Painting these small rooms dark colours gives the illusion that the walls are further away, it helps if the ceiling is painted the same colour too.

    Technical Conclusion to Painting Blank Canvas

    Both blank canvases have to be featureless. Resulting in even more preperation. We actually think about the use of the room. It’s no good having the most amazing Jackson Pollock if all you’re looking at is the crack in the wall! Again if you’re only six inches away, it should be perfect in everyway. Absolutely faultless.

    Paint Details

    Colour: Natural White Quarter

    Paint Used:

    • Haymes Inspirations Ceiling Flat,
    • Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen,
    • Dulux Super Enamel High Gloss.

    Colour Consultant

    Now if picking colours isn’t your forte, or you’re just not that interested, then maybe our Colour Consultant can help you. She looks at your style and runs with it.

    Inspiration – Sterling Pinterest

  • Is It Time To Paint? Your Weatherboard Painters

    Is It Time To Paint? Your Weatherboard Painters

    Bespoke Artisan Weatherboard Exterior Painters. Brunswick

    If you think it’s time to paint your weatherboard, then your friends have thought it for a long time! Time to hire your weatherboard painters.

    Now that the BBQ season is just about over, it’s time to get your home painted, and ready for next year.  We know it’s a social whirl, and impressions count. Has your weatherboard been letting you down? Does it show you up? Is it still in last years colours?

    Shabby chic is not ‘in’ anymore, it’s not the 90’s. Peeling, blistering paint isn’t cool. We know it. Design magazines know it. Your friends know it, and they’ve been talking behind your back about your dated weatherboard house.

    Traditional Master Painters

    We at Sterling Painters only apply the world famous boutique Dulux Weathershield on weatherboards. Using time honoured techniques handed down generation to generation, father to son, such as sanding and painting. We’ll use buzzwords like small batch, fluid, stone ground and hand finished. We’ll even grow beards and stroke them whilst admiring our handywork.

    Soon, you’ll be the envy of your friends. They’ll still talk behind your back, obviouly, but you can be safe in the knowledge that it’s just jealously.

    Pinterest Sterling Painters Exterior Ideas

  • Set Sail with Paint Colours in Kingsville

    Set Sail with Paint Colours in Kingsville

    Kingsville House Painters Treading Water?

    Does Choosing the Colours Leave You All Lost at Sea? Your Kingsville House Painters could help!

    Or you could simply get our Colour Consultant to help you if you feel out of your depth. Or if you’ve got a colour sense, set sail.

    Heritage Paint Colours

    Weatherboard houses are great to add a splash of colour to. What if you’re in a heritage overlay area? Well you should just check out the heritage colours, it’s not just Brunswick Green, Indian Red and Classic Cream!! Infact the ranges can be a little eye opening. Please refer to your local council, they will have a list and, they even have colour specialist to help and sign off your colour scheme.

    Even though you can’t see it, this house has a bright ‘Red’ front door. So if you’re not feeling brave enough, only paint the door! You can always paint it another colour next season.

    We, as painters, enjoy working with colour, and trust us we aren’t going to leave your house looking like it’s in a maelstrom.

    Paints Used:

    • Stucco/Weatherboards: Weathershield Low Sheen ‘Deep Ocean’
    • Trim: Weathershield Gloss ‘Surf Mist’
    • Front Door: Dulux Super Enamel High Gloss ‘True Red’

    ” That looks bloody brilliant!!!! Thank you!”

    Sterling Painters Pinterest Ideas

  • It’s #Trending Again Retail Space Painters

    It’s #Trending Again Retail Space Painters

    Retail Painting. South Melbourne

    So now we know where to get our Thorogood Boots from. South Melbourne, incase you weren’t in the know! ‘Retail’ Painting and we’ll ‘re-tell’ you where to go!

    Occasionally we get asked to paint retail spaces, exhibition sites etc, it’s good to keep things fresh and broaden your horizons. More details Sterling Retail Painters.

    Painting a commercial space is always a little forward thinking. Newer ideas are generally used, this isn’t someone’s home afterall. And as so, sometimes the interior designer has pushed the boat out. We’ve painted offices too, however these can be much more sober. Because working in a bright and fucky space maybe too much for some!

    Yes we know that one of the paints is Antique White USA. But the Symphony Red, well we don’t use that everyday. Working with such viabrant paint colours can be problematic, and can result in many coats of paint. Why? Because it all depends on the base of the paint it’s made from. Yes there are many different base colours, not just white, that the end colours are made from .

    Exterior Painting, Paints Used:

    • Dulux Weathershield low sheen Symphony Red.
    • Dulux Weathershield low sheen Antique White USA.
    • A custom stain was used on the door.

    For more images:

    Sterling Painters Pinterest Ideas

  • Kew Interior House Painters – Your Colours?

    Kew Interior House Painters – Your Colours?

    kew interior house painters

    Kew Interior House Painters – Painting a Classic Home in a Modern Colour Scheme

    Sophisticated modern classic. Gone is the traditonal fussy look, a multitude of colours in the cornice etc. Bring on the classier look. And as so, now it looks fresh, brighter and bigger.  Because we are Kew Interior House Painters we know a few interior painters techniques, and as so we’ll make your house painting look fantastic.

    Sterling Interior Painters for more…

    Paint Used:

    • Dulux Wash & Wear low sheen Grand Piano & Warm Neutral
    • Dulux Super Enamel semi gloss

    Sterling Painters Interior Ideas