Tag: cold!

  • Do it yourself? Never! Get Your Own Exterior Colour Consultants. Newport

    Do it yourself? Never! Get Your Own Exterior Colour Consultants. Newport

    Exterior House Colour Consultants

    Now of course Sterling Painters & Decorators have our own Colour Consultants. But we do work with other Exterior Colour Consultants…and Interior Designers. Shush, don’t tell!

    The value added by a Colour Consultants should never be underestimated. They will understand your tastes, the locality and then add that something special.

    We’ve just started painting this house, and whilst it doesn’t look like this yet, it will. If it stops raining that is!

    • Weatherboards: Weathershield semi gloss Self Destruct.
    • Secondary colour: Weathershield semi gloss Hogs Bristle half.
    • Tertiary colour: Weathershield semi gloss Caveman
    • Trim: Norglass Marine clear varnish gloss

    Pinterest Exterior Sterling Painters Ideas