House Painting in Essendon

Exterior Paint it Black - Essendon

Exterior House Painters Essendon

When it comes to painting the exterior of your home, you really only have two decisions to make, quality and colour.

Quality of Paint

Quality is all about standards, the standard of the painting and more importantly the standard of the paint.

Why should this matter, it just painting afterall? Rest assured, we work to the industry standard AS/NZ 2311, so we’ve got the painting covered. However it doesn’t matter how good we are at painting if we’re using a poor quality paint.

Paint is just paint  right? No it’s not. As with everything the quality of the product is key. Using a quality paint can be the difference between repainting your home in 5 years or 15 years. While a good quality paint is more expensive, it won’t be as expensive as painting your home 3 times rather than once! Nowhere near. We use Dulux Weathershield as our go to exterior paint product, guaranteed for 15 years, so already you’re saving money.

Please remember that by painting your home, you’re actually protecting your investment. The paint will slow down the aging of your home, meaning less maintenance, less repair bills, more cash in your pocket. Your Bank Manager actually likes us. We’re the exterior house painters Essendon.

The Colour of Paint

Much more exciting. No more “protect your property, investment” boring, dry stuff your father always talked about! Down to the important nitty gritty, paint colour, and how to impress your friends with your style and finesse, all at the same time as showing them up for being so, so last season.

You have two options here, choose the paint colour yourself or get a Sterling Painters & Decorators Colour Consultant to help.

Choose Yourself.

Yes you have style, you know what’s trending. Good, go for it. Make it work! But what if you mess up, where’s the fall guy? You are the fall guy. Embarrassing!!! You friends are talking behind your back. Sorry.

Stering Painters & Decorators Colour Consultant.

It’s a win win. You can tell your friends about the time talking colours with a professional Colour Consultant, sharing same wavelength, vibes, trends, talking about Morroco and your travels and how you loved though tiles, blah blah. The experience. The accolade of being respected for you great taste. Friends envious. Win. Colours great. Win.

Paint and Colour Used:

  • Wattyl Killrust Epoxy Gloss Enamel Black
  • Dulux Weathershield Gloss Black

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