Category: Wallpaper Projects

Wallpaper Projects. Detailing the range of wallpaper options, from the classic to the contempory.

Whether you want your entire house wallpapered, or a special room. Or because you need to give a dramatic ascent to a wall. We’ve hung everything from Chinese Silks to Grass Papers, and everything inbetween.

Hang With Us

  • Ascot Vale House Painters – Sensational Interior Paint Colours

    Ascot Vale House Painters – Sensational Interior Paint Colours

    Ascot Vale House Painters vs. Great Colour Scheme

    Because we are The Ascot Vale House Painters, we love to paint colour! Surprising eh? So finding a client with a great paint colour scheme, is a great reward for us.

    Subtle paint colours and ascents, can make all the difference. Adding depth to rooms, and well needed interest. Whilst the blank canvas aproach to homes is great. Because it helps to show of your pieces and furniture. Sometimes the holistic painting approach shouldn’t be wasted. Because having the furniture and paint work all singing from the same song sheet, working together, can make a home, a home.

    Wallpaper Installation – No Hanging About!

    We even got to hang some wallpaper here too, and you know I love to hang wallpaper. As always the key to hanging wallpaper is preparation, preparation is the key to just about everything! Having a flat surface, priming (sizing), and doing the maths and working out where each and every drop is going to hang.

    Olive Branch by Joanna Gaines

    Paints Used:

    • Haymes Expression Ceiling Flat – Builders White
    • Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen – White Exchange Half
    • Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen – Classic Calm
    • Super Enamel Dulux Semi Gloss – Pale Tendril
    • Super Enamel Dulux Semi Gloss – Highgate
    • Intergrain DWD Satin Natural

    Sterling Painters Pinterest Interior Painters Ideas

  • Wild Thing in Kensington  Hangs Wallpaper

    Wild Thing in Kensington Hangs Wallpaper

    Kensington Wallpaper Hanging

    Our Colour Consultant and the customer finally came to a bold choice of wallpaper for a bathroom. It did take a little discussion here and there to agree! Nobody can say it’s an understated, or a vanilla choice.

    The Wallpaper Installation

    Whilst just a small room, it was full of difficult tasks. The bulkhead, power sockets, handrails, door furniture and even hanging wallpaper on a door.

    We had to undercoat everything with Taubmans 3 in 1. This produces a sealed, chemically even surface, so we can hang wallpaper on it.

    The wallpaper itself was over 1 metre in width and had to be pasted in a different room, so even walking through the doorway proved difficult.

    The first drop, behind the doorway, was easy, but the other six drops proved to be anything but easy.

    Wallpaper and Materials Used:

    • Wild Thing – Flavor Paper

    “Say goodbye to long, bumpy plane rides and instead bring the tropical vacation straight to your home with Wild Thing. Our latest collaboration with Ghislane Viñas.”

    • Romans Pro-880 Ultra Clear Strippable Wallcovering Adhesive

    Wallpaper Hanging Cheat Number One:

    Romans Adhesive, whilst expensive, is strippable. Why would this be so good, you ask? In a few years, chances are you want to remove the wallpaper. Strippable means: You gently peel the two bottom corners, and then gently peel the entire hang upwards. Simple as that. No mess, no fuss.

  • Your Favourite House Painters Elwood

    Your Favourite House Painters Elwood

    Making You & Your Home Feel Special with House Painters Elwood

    We are the Melbourne House Painters Decorators service. Offering professional and quality Painting & Decorating solutions to you and your home. We love Interior House Painting, Exteriors House Painting and especially Painting Victorian Weatherboards. We’re your House Painters Elwood

    Taking pride in painting your home, a member of the Master Painters Association, Qualified and with many years of Experience. Therefore we can offer assurance of the perfect paint job.

    Home Makeovers Project Managers

    We can provide a qualified Project Manager to help you seemlessly. From the Colour Consultant, to the Handyman, through to the Painters and the Decorator and finally the Cleaners.

    Consequently we can find you an excuse to do something else.  Whether it’s a holiday, putting your feet up or just avoiding the DIY list and actually having weekends instead.

    Free Weekends with Every Sterling Painters Jobs

    Our House Painters Elwood Services offer you the chance to do whatever you want at the weekend, free! That’s right, while you’re at work, we paint your house. It’s a win win.

    You instantly win weekends with every paint job that you didn’t have to do. And you win again, because we’re professional painters who like painting. Rather than you, who should be on a long weekend somewhere romantic anyway.

    Painters Decorators Melbourne

    Painters Terms & Conditions:

    Free Weekends – at least one is guaranteed on any job. A typical weatherboard will take three months of weekends for you to paint.

    Free Weekends – only available in the Melbourne area. Well your home needs to be in Melbourne at least. You could be in Buenos Aires Tangoing with a Gaucho, drinking Malbec at tres en lan manana, if that’s you bag.

    Image Details:

    Fabulous Painted Apartment in Elwood.

    Paints Used:

    • Haymes Inspirations Ceiling Flat
    • Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen and
    • Dulux Super Enamel High Gloss.
    • Colour: Builders White (Queensland – Wattyl)


  • Wallpaper Retailer Showroom – Clifton Hill

    Wallpaper Retailer Showroom – Clifton Hill

    Wallpaper Hanging and Wallpaper Hangers

    A good way to sell wallpaper is to hang wallpaper in your showroom, sounds obvious, and this is one of my favourite wallpapers. It really shows what is out there and how wallpaper has developed over the past few years. As interior painters, this is something we have a lot of experience of.

    Yes wallpaper is classic, and it is retro, but it’s also modern and is at the forefront of design. Everything from the classic flock, through to murials, and specially printed designs of images you’ve provided. You could even have your favourite image of your cat made into wallpaper, if that’s what you want.

    Graphical prints are getting more and more popular, reinventing classic designs, as here , and turning pop culture and graffiti into something that comes in rolls. Wallpaper hanging is proving to be very cool at the moment.

    Wallpaper Installation

    And still, wallpaper hanging has it’s own set of problems. And it won’t disguise a badly plastered wall either! Some cheaper wallpapers are waffer thin and have no backing. Expensive ones are individually hand printed. And patterns and colours don’t match even within the same roll. Because of these problems, amongst others, I find wallpaper hanging can be very difficult. And as so, I wouldn’t recommend a novice attempting it.

    Wallpaper Installed:

    • Eijffinger – Stripes.
    • Clarke & Clarke – Empress Rose.

    Sterling Painters Pinterest Ideas