Category: Retail Painters

  • It’s #Trending Again Retail Space Painters

    It’s #Trending Again Retail Space Painters

    Retail Painting. South Melbourne

    So now we know where to get our Thorogood Boots from. South Melbourne, incase you weren’t in the know! ‘Retail’ Painting and we’ll ‘re-tell’ you where to go!

    Occasionally we get asked to paint retail spaces, exhibition sites etc, it’s good to keep things fresh and broaden your horizons. More details Sterling Retail Painters.

    Painting a commercial space is always a little forward thinking. Newer ideas are generally used, this isn’t someone’s home afterall. And as so, sometimes the interior designer has pushed the boat out. We’ve painted offices too, however these can be much more sober. Because working in a bright and fucky space maybe too much for some!

    Yes we know that one of the paints is Antique White USA. But the Symphony Red, well we don’t use that everyday. Working with such viabrant paint colours can be problematic, and can result in many coats of paint. Why? Because it all depends on the base of the paint it’s made from. Yes there are many different base colours, not just white, that the end colours are made from .

    Exterior Painting, Paints Used:

    • Dulux Weathershield low sheen Symphony Red.
    • Dulux Weathershield low sheen Antique White USA.
    • A custom stain was used on the door.

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    Sterling Painters Pinterest Ideas

  • Wallpaper Retailer Showroom – Clifton Hill

    Wallpaper Retailer Showroom – Clifton Hill

    Wallpaper Hanging and Wallpaper Hangers

    A good way to sell wallpaper is to hang wallpaper in your showroom, sounds obvious, and this is one of my favourite wallpapers. It really shows what is out there and how wallpaper has developed over the past few years. As interior painters, this is something we have a lot of experience of.

    Yes wallpaper is classic, and it is retro, but it’s also modern and is at the forefront of design. Everything from the classic flock, through to murials, and specially printed designs of images you’ve provided. You could even have your favourite image of your cat made into wallpaper, if that’s what you want.

    Graphical prints are getting more and more popular, reinventing classic designs, as here , and turning pop culture and graffiti into something that comes in rolls. Wallpaper hanging is proving to be very cool at the moment.

    Wallpaper Installation

    And still, wallpaper hanging has it’s own set of problems. And it won’t disguise a badly plastered wall either! Some cheaper wallpapers are waffer thin and have no backing. Expensive ones are individually hand printed. And patterns and colours don’t match even within the same roll. Because of these problems, amongst others, I find wallpaper hanging can be very difficult. And as so, I wouldn’t recommend a novice attempting it.

    Wallpaper Installed:

    • Eijffinger – Stripes.
    • Clarke & Clarke – Empress Rose.

    Sterling Painters Pinterest Ideas