Interior House Painters. It’s important that your house feels like a home. The right paint colour scheme can make all the different. Why? Because colour can change your mood. So as a result, we’ll help make your home better. Sterling Interior House Painters; due to our vast experience, well paint your house into your own Nirvana.
We are your Kensington Interior House Painters, and as a result we sometimes never leave our local suburb. We are your local house painters in Kensington, and Melbourne House Painters.
Every home as it’s own set of issues, for instance. But due of our painters’ extensive painting experience, and we have a lot, we can find the perfect painting solution. This home needed clean fresh lines, and faultless walls. Due to our attention to detail and we use lots of sandpaper, the results were easy to obtain.
Working with organised customers is great, it’s like working with a great project manager. Why? Because it makes our lives easy, and as Flemington House Painters, we know we can then concentrate on the painting. Which is what you want afterall.
The Plasterer, was organised, a handyman, again organised, the carpenters, organised. The cabinet makers, electricians and floor sanders, we’ll they’re due to go in after we’ve finished! We, the painters, were booked in months ago, and the customer moves in March. We started painting on the date agreed, and finished by the date agreed. And as a result, the plan goes well and everyone is happy.
We are Qualified Project Manager (Building and Construction), so if you need a hand with your project, just let us know. Sometimes it’s not easy dealing with trades, contracts and budgets, whilst trying to juggle family life. We can take the pressure off by doing the project managing for you.
As your Flemington House Painters, we’re local, and we’ve painted in most of Flemington’s streets by now. As a result it’s easy to see an example of our painting jobs, just ask us for details.
We are the interior house painters Kew, but we can do so much more than painting walls and ceilings.
Often we get asked to paint kitchen and bathrooms, and we mean paint tiles and paint cabinet doors, not just the walls and ceilings. Why? Well There is a good reason.
Updating a ‘dated’ colour scheme.
The one in the images was a ‘bright orange’ wood, with a brown speckled bench top, which was great 20 years ago, as they knew no better then! And Now as a result, the new colour scheme will last another 20 years.
It’s the same with bathrooms. Because if there isn’t anything fundamentally wrong with the bathroom apart from the colour scheme, we can simply paint it. And due to the fact that your not getting an entire new bathroom or kitchen, it’s dramatically cheaper.
Whilst most kitchen will cost tens of thousands to build, repainting kitchen cabinets is considerable cheaper. It’s less intrusive, because we spend less time, we don’t have to rebuild the whole kitchen. We’re the interior house painters Kew that will make your kitchen or bathroom look great, and save you enough for a great holiday.
We are the Windsor House Painters. Working alongside other trades, in this case, window suppliers, is great for everyone. Why? Because we get to work with great products, the supplier gets to have their quality product presented in the best possible way, and as a result, the customer wins, again and again.
Painting sash windows is an integral part of the business, due to the fact that every other house in Melbourne has them. We have to be very good at painting them due to all the years we’ve spent painting them. We’re not only Windsor House Painters, but Melbourne House Painters too.
It’s great to live in Kensington. Because it’s full of Weatherboard Houses. And because we love to paint them. We are the Kensington weatherboard house painters.
It’s instant satisfaction, to see the results of what you’ve done almost straight away. So check out our Facebook post, to see the work in progress,
Yes, we were the interior house painters too! The blue trim caused us many problems, due to it’s dark shade. As a result we just undercoated it three times! Normally we undercoat all the trim just once. Never ask ‘how many coats have you painted?’ to a painter. Chances are, the painter has done one more than you think.
Kensington Weatherboard House Painters
Exterior Paints, Colours and Sheen Levels:
Dulux Weathershield Semi Gloss – Tranquil Retreat
Dulux Weathershield Gloss – Lexicon
Rustkill Gloss – White
Dulux Weathershield Gloss – Vivid White
Dulux Weathershield Gloss – Monument
Interior Paints, Colours and Sheen Levels:
Dulux Wash & Wear Low Sheen – Natural White
Haymes Ultra Premium Expressions Ceiling Flat – White
Haymes Ultra Premium Ultratrim Acrylic Enamel Gloss – White